
About Us


About Us

Hey there, language learners and lovers! We’re Tajana and Donald, a dynamic duo of English as a second language teachers and designers. We’re here to revolutionize the way you learn languages, one neurolanguage coaching session and learning material at a time.

What’s neurolanguage coaching, you ask? It’s the science of combining language learning with brain-friendly techniques to help you absorb, process, and retain information faster and more effectively. Think of it as a personal trainer for your language skills!

But that’s not all we do. We’re also design geeks who love to create beautiful and engaging learning materials that spark your curiosity and make learning fun. From eye-catching infographics to functional notebooks, we’ve got you covered.

So, if you’re a student struggling to grasp grammar rules, we’ve got the expertise and passion to help you achieve your language goals. Let’s geek out over language together!