
General English

General English Lessons

Welcome to the world of one-on-one online English lessons! As your dedicated teacher, I bring a wealth of experience and a friendly approach to help you achieve your language goals in a personalized and effective way. Let’s embark on this language-learning journey together and make it a fun and rewarding experience!

Customized for you

Lessons will be tailored to your specific needs and learning style, so you can focus on the areas you want to improve the most. Whether you need help with grammar, pronunciation, or conversation skills, I've got you covered.


Flexible scheduling and online format allow you to learn from anywhere in the world, at a time that works best for you. No more commuting to language schools or juggling conflicting schedules. You can enjoy learning English from the comfort of your own home, office, or even while traveling.

Learning that works

I am an experienced and certified English teacher, and I use a variety of materials and methods to keep your learning engaging and effective. I focus on real-life situations and practical language use, so you can feel confident using your new skills in any context.

Contact me!

So, why not give us a try and see the difference personalized one-on-one English lessons can make? Contact mw today to schedule your first lesson and take the first step towards fluency!

Book a Zoom consultation call or send me your questions via email, Facebook or Instagram.